Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Ok, so I haven't posted on here since May.  Well, it's been a bit hectic.  Thank goodness for three days' leave over half term to try to catch up!

Though still working for the BBC, I've now got a year-long contract with BBC Children in Need.  Hurray!  No more night shifts, no more keyboard face, no more 12-hour days and stressful phone calls to friends about childcare.  Well, the 12-hour days will be back with a vengeance in just three weeks' time, when the appeal show itself is around the corner - save the date: Friday November 18th. But, mostly, for the first time in three years, things are actually manageable again in this household!

My Other Half has taken over the majority of the school runs, parents' evenings and soccer dad drop-offs.  In fact, I can smell his efforts now.  Even though I'm on leave for a few days, he's dug out the saucepans and is crafting a carbonara, bless him.  Meanwhile, when I AM working, I tend to stumble home around 8-ish demanding my dinner and a beer!  Well, not quite, but it's tempting!

I absolutely love my new job - except for the bureauctic bits of treacle we inevitably have to wade through - and the whole family seems happier.  The children have been a lot more affectionate when they haven't seen me around so much.  But that's a good thing, right?

And didn't 'Raising Boys' guru Steve Biddulph say boys needed their dad around more after the age of seven?  Right.  So I refuse to feel guilty about this.  There's a tad more dust around but I'm trying not to notice and it's never been a high priority of mine to live in a house as neat as a new pin anyway.  So, onwards and upwards, with more time to blog soon, I hope.