Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Despite being five minutes late for the first assessment; despite thinking I'd talked too much; missed the point; showed my outdated technological knowledge during the written exercise and despite thinking I'd gone round the houses in answer to a crucial question during the interview, I got the job!

That's all well and good. Much delight all round. Except that the fourth paragraph of the contract says:..."this does not constitute employment.." Well, I knew it was only 'half-a-job'. That's how I have to describe it to my financial adviser, who's trying to get us a mortgage. And that's what I have to say to fellow mums when asking for their help with the school run because I work such anti-social hours.  But as I'm getting paid to do it, surely it constitutes employment?  Well, not technically, it seems.  I’m  a "casual employee”. That sounds like I just rock up to work when I feel like it.  I wish!  It means that I'm freelance-ish.  Obliged to be offered, and to carry out, at least one day's (or night's) work a week.  But not entitled to it and not entitled to any staff benefits either.

To add to that, one of the people who was on the assessment panel for the aforementioned job went on to offer me some work within her own department. Fabulous! I'm really flattered. And I'm certainly not complaining. But I am slightly concerned that my calamitous reputation may be further enhanced by trying to juggle household, two school-age children, (which is already full-time work enough...) the 'half-a-job' and then these new shifts too.

Oh! And I forget to mention. I edit a monthly newsletter for the community we live in and I've just become a volunteer for an organisation that helps young families because I thought I could be useful and I read somewhere that voluntary work makes you a better person.

I'm ever so slightly concerned that I may be taking on too much. And also, that I've just fallen for a house that we might only just about be able to afford on this new income. But you know what they say, if you want something done, give it to a busy person!